SG Test Cricket Ball

The Cricket ball is a basic requirement for any game of Cricket to happen. A Cricket ball is made of cork and latex and is covered by leather. This leather is held together by stitching which is called the “Seam”. The ball, when new, shall not weigh less than 5½ ounces/155.9 grams, nor more than 5¾ ounces/163 grams (156 grams is Optimum), and shall measure not less than 813/16 inches/22.4 cms, nor more than 9 inches/22.9 cms in circumference. SG Test Cricket Ball is available in 2 colours i.e., Red and White. Based on above specifications, SG Test Red Cricket Ball is approved by BCCI (Board of Control for Cricket in India). SG Test Red is the most superior quality conventional cricket ball in the range. Specially formulated pre-shaped compressed cork and fine rubber center, pure new wool, natural cork layer and fine leather combine for best performance. Super strict quality control of material and construction provides superior shape retention and tr...